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This Land of Magic - Lyrics

This Land of Magic
Key: Eb / Techno
This Land of magic
That’s where I woke up and found myself         
Pinch to wake-up from this dream
But nothing changes

This Land of magic
That’s where I woke up and found myself         
Pinch to wake-up from this dream
But nothing changes

This is real, this is real
This is real, this is real
I’ve given up that dreams come true
Threw hope away long ago
Why cause my heart ache
Clinching to vanity
Am set to look away
Then you walked right through
This Land of magic
That’s where I woke up and found myself         
Pinch to wake-up from this dream
But nothing changes

This Land of magic
That’s where I woke up and found myself         
Pinch to wake-up from this dream
But nothing changes

This is real, this is real
This is real, this is real
This land is filled with magic
This land is filled with you             
My lost dream came true
Yes, I found you.

This land is filled with magic
This land is filled with you             
My lost dream came true
Yes, I found you.
This Land of magic
That’s where I woke up and found myself         
Pinch to wake-up from this dream
But nothing changes

This Land of magic
That’s where I woke up and found myself         
Pinch to wake-up from this dream
But nothing changes

This is real, this is real
This is real, this is real
This is real, this is real
This is real, this is real
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