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Dreams - Lyrics

Key: C / Hip-hop
Dreams are the consistent message of the soul,
Upon which the bodily life boldly hopes
I’ve got many dreams, yes.

I have got lofty dreams
The world is big for them
The sky is far from ground
So, I’ve got space aground

And of this if I run
Will find space to turn
Jet out to explore space
More dreams, more space

I have got many dreams
Transforming lives with my words
Inventing, making life easier
Exploring the beauty of life

In confronting the odds
I will hold tight my sword
To cut short the job
In the mist of the mob

I have got many dreams
Transforming lives with my words
Inventing, making life easier                    
Exploring the beauty of life

I have got many dreams
Transforming lives with my words
Inventing, making life easier                   
Exploring the beauty of life

I have many dreams
I have dreams 
I have many dreams
I have dreams

I have many dreams
I have dreams 
I have many dreams
I have dreams    

I’ve got many
Many dreams
I’ve got many dreams
I’ve got many dreams
Do you have dreams?
Do you have dreams?
I’ve got dreams.
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